Prisoners Assistance Mission (PAM) legally registered and affiliated with the CDO date of 2048/04/20 is an organization established in 2048 B.S. Its office is located at Nagarjun Municipality-01,Raniban, Kathmandu, Nepal. Prisoners Assistance Mission (PAM) is an organization dedicated to providing assistance to prisoners and their families.
Name of Organization | : | Prisoners Assistance Mission (PAM) |
Acronyms | : | PAM |
Year of Establishment | : | 2048 B.S. |
Legal Status (Registration & Affiliation) |
: | CDO date: 24/048/049 2048/04/20 SWC date: 2046/05/31 2049/04/22 |
Office Address | : | Nagarjun Municipality-01,Raniban, Kathmandu, Nepal |
Postal Address | : | Post Box No.11321 |
Telephone Number | : | +977 01-4492644 |
Fax Number | : | 01 4494653 |
Email Address | : | |
Website | : | |
Contact Person | : | Dr Basanta K Shrestha Chairperson +977 9851086523/ +9779851051026 |
Sector of Work: Rescue and support prisoners’ children and provide them accommodation, food and proper education, and develop or enhance their self-esteem.
Areas of Operation: Any prison where children are languishing with their parents and not being taken proper care and education.
Key Strategies: Work together and work in cooperation for the benefits and personality development of prisoners children. Prepare children to be good citizen by learning various livelihood skills.
Major Activities:
1. Survival related:
2. Education related:
3. Personality development related
4. Socialization related
5. Demonstration for green development
6. Infra-structure development
7. Management and operation
Target Groups:
Indigent, socially deprived, victimized prisoners and their dependents, women and children are the prime target population of PAM.